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陆川县 “最适合养老居住地”

来源:南宁晚报 2017-09-24 06:58   https://www.yybnet.net/

说到广西的居家养老之地,能数出来的还真不少,有全国人民都知道的巴马长寿之乡,以及东兴、陆川等地。最近网上流传出一个中国“最适合养老居住”的排名表,陆川县居然排第一位。“Recently, a ranking list was circulated online. It is the list of the most suitable and livable places for retirement life in China. Luchuan County ranks first unexpectedly.”。今天,我们就一起来聊聊陆川——这个最适合养老的居住地。


说到陆川的旅游,广西人都知道陆川温泉、谢鲁山庄。“When it comes to the tourism scenic spots in Luchuan, people in Guangxi know Luchuan Hot Spring and Xie Lu Villa.”。作为广西第一批对外开放的旅游县,陆川境内名胜风景遍布。“As the first batch of Guangxi tourism counties opened to the outside world, the famous scenic spots and historical relics are found everywhere in Luchuan.”。陆川温泉位于城南一里的九洲江边,在宽广的河滩之上,烟雾缭绕,热气腾腾,泉水就从水边沙际冒出。陆川温泉水中含有24种化学成分和多种有益于人体的放射性元素,出露温度45~53℃,对皮肤病、关节炎、风湿等20多种疾病具有良好的医疗与保健作用。“The water of Luchuan Hot Spring contains 24 kinds of chemical compositions and many radioactive elements which are beneficial to the human body. The water temperature is 45-53 degrees Celsius. It has good medical and heath care functions for more than 20 kinds of diseases, such as skin disease, arthritics, and rheumatism.”。此外,素有小桂林美称的龙珠湖风光值得一游。

猪肉是很多市民每天餐桌上不可少的一道美食。在广西,“陆川猪”是一个口口相传的品牌,陆川猪以皮薄、肉嫩、脆而不腻闻名。“In Guangxi, Luchuan Pig is a brand runs from mouth to mouth. This kind of pig is famous for its thin skin, tender meat and the crisp but not greasy taste.”。据了解,陆川猪是全国八大地方优良品种之一,可加工成脆皮乳猪、香肠、无皮五花腊肉等。母猪具有成熟早、产仔多、母性好的特点。很多人都说,陆川猪在陆川就是“县宝”,因为陆川猪苗除了销往北京、上海等省区市,还出口到邻国。“Luchuan Pig is the county treasure. Because the piglets are sold to Beijing, Shanghai, and other provinces and cities. Meanwhile, they are exported to neighbouring countries as well.”。

此外,陆川铁锅(Luchuan iron pots)、最大的小型挖掘机(the largest mini-type excavator)、乌石酱油(Wushi soy sauce)、乌石菜刀(Wushi kitchen knife)等,也是全区乃至全国有名的品牌产品之一。“They are one of the well-known brand products in the whole region of Guangxi and even in the whole country.”。

本报记者 叶祯/文 黄倩华/翻译


“高架床+益生菌”生态养殖 陆川推动生猪养殖业转型升级



新生“开笔礼”2017-09-19 09:34
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