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来源:南宁晚报 2019-09-22 08:27   https://www.yybnet.net/

再过不久,又要迎来国庆假期了,你想好去哪玩了吗?不如到蒙山走一趟吧,那里古树参天,古迹犹存,更有飘香美食。“The National Day Holiday is coming soon. Do you have any ideas where to go for fun? I think it is a nice choice to go to Mengshan county. It has ancient trees reaching to the sky, historical sites and delicious food.”

今年5月,蒙山县蒙山镇太平天国遗址内的一棵白兰树入选了广西十大最美名木目录,原因很简单,它树龄501年,胸径108厘米。据了解,在“寻找最美古树名木”系列活动中,通过审定的近12万株古树中,95.12%分布于乡村。“In May, this year, a michelia tree in the site of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom in Mengshan county was selected as the top ten most famous trees in Guangxi. The reason for its selection is very simple. The tree is 501 years old and its diameter is 108 centimeters. It is understood that in the Finding the Most Beautiful Ancient and Famous Tree series activities, 95.12% of about 120,000 ancients trees which have been approved are distributed in the countryside.”

蒙山县蒙山镇的古榕公园里,一株雅榕树龄已达1050年,相传种植于宋代,树高23.5米,平均冠幅52.2米。经过上千年时间的洗礼,这株雅榕已在当地人们心中占据了重要的地位。“In the Ancient Banyan Tree Park of Mengshan, a banyan tree is 1050 years old. According to the legend, the tree was planted in the Song dynasty. It is 23.5 meters high and the average tree crown is 52.2 meters. After thousands of years of history, this ancient tree has taken an important position in the local people’s heart.”据悉,蒙山人有把大树认做干娘的习俗,逢年过节,人们都会到树下祭拜“干娘”。

太平天国起义的地点是桂平金田村,可你知道吗,1851年,洪秀全领导的太平军起义之后攻占了第一个州城——永安州(也就是现在的蒙山县)后,就在此开创新朝。永安州留下太平天国遗址26处,太平天国文物1500余件。如今,太平天国永安活动旧址是全国重点文物保护单位。“Mengshan County has 26 sites of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and more than 1500 cultural relics. Nowadays, Yongan Activity Site of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom is a national key cultural relics protection unit.”

游玩一番后,不要错过品尝味道鲜美、满口留香的“全牛宴”,不管是牛肉、牛腩、牛黄喉,还是牛肉丸子、药膳炖牛骨髓,定能让你满足而归。本报记者 叶祯/文 黄倩华/翻译





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