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来源:南宁晚报 2018-03-18 15:55   https://www.yybnet.net/



太平天国革命历时二十载,纵横18省,是中国历史上农民战争发展的高峰。“The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom revolution lasted for twenty years and eighteen provinces were involved. It was the peak of the development of the peasant war in Chinese history.”。现在,蒙山县还保存有太平天国革命遗址26处,文物1500余件。“Nowadays, twenty-six Taiping Heavenly Kingdom revolution sites and 1500 historical relics are preserved in Mengshan county.”。蒙山县太平天国永安史实陈列馆开馆已有20多年,至今接待游客近百万人次。“Yongan History Exhibition Museum of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom has been opened for more than twenty years. Up to now, nearly one million visitors have been received.”。

有人的地方就有江湖。在蒙山,除了有太平天国的英雄,还有《萍踪侠影》《白发魔女传》《冰川天女传》《七剑下天山》等武侠小说中性格各异的侠客,这一部部武侠小说陪伴“70后”“80后”走过了青春岁月,还被拍成一部部经典影视作品,这些武侠小说的作者梁羽生正是蒙山县人。“Struggling and salvation spread on this planet till the man disappear. In Mengshan county, in addition to the heroes of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, there are different swordsmen with different characters in many Kung Fu fictions. These Kung Fu fictions are the days of youth for the people in 1970s and 1980s. They were made into many classic movies. Liang Yusheng, the author of these Kung Fu fictions, is a man in Mengshan county.”。

蒙山县城东南角有一个由金庸题名的梁羽生公园,公园原址为鳌山宝塔,因宝塔建于山顶,山似巨鳌,故而得名。“There is a Liang Yusheng Park titled by Jin Yong in the southeast of Mengshan county. The original site of the park is Ao Mountain Pagoda. The pagoda was built on the top of the mountain. The mountain looks like a giant turtle. It was named Ao for this reason.”。主塔始建于清乾隆二十七年(1762年),嘉庆年间续建,1985年重建。“The main pagoda firstly was built in 1762 and rebuilt in 1985.”。塔分五层,呈六角形,每层各有塔檐,塔顶用琉璃瓦盖成,顶尖为莲花托葫芦形陶制品。“The pagoda is a hexagon and divided into five layers. Each layer has its own eaves. The top of the pagoda is covered with glazed tiles. A lotus and gourd shaped pottery is on the top.”。

本报记者 叶祯/文 黄倩华/翻译





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