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不要错过了生活 Don’t Miss out on Life

来源:阜阳城市周报 2018-04-12 01:35   https://www.yybnet.net/

When asked what it takes to succeed, different people will give different answers to this question from their own characters, emotional concerns and even educational backgrounds. However, when it comes to me, I firmly hold the view that our options play an irreplaceable part in achieving our goals. To better illustrate my point of view,I’ll share some short stories of Lang Ping, where she has made several critical decisions in her volleyball life.

Lang Ping’s father took a keen interest in sports, as a result of which, volleyball was printed in her memory and it was absolutely wonderful. So she invested her youth the most glorious period of her life in volleyball. Lang Ping started to practice playing volleyball at the age of 13 in 1973. Only five years later in 1978, she was moved from Beijing Women’s Volleyball Team to the National Women’s Volleyball Team because of her outstanding performance in the national volleyball competitions. Lang Ping was in youth period with her unswerving stamina and tenacious efforts. In the end, she was admitted into Beijing team as the optimal candidate, which has been in her thoughts all along. From then on, she started a new climbing toward the summit.

As early as 1984, Lang and the other members of the Chinese women’s volleyball team beat the host team to win gold at the Los Angeles Olympic Games, China’s first Olympics in decades. This ushered in an era in which Team China won five consecutive international champions, greatly boosting national morale and winning Lang the status of national hero. In the 1980s, they won the world championships five times, which helped the team become the symbol of strong will. But no one can win all the time. After their glorious time, the team met the setback. After that, Lang, unlike many of her teammates that became sports administration officials, decided to leave the sporting spotlight behind and went to the US to study. In the following years, she studied and coached foreign teams. However, her decision to leave the country drew lots of criticism at that time, with some even going so far as to brand her a “traitor”. This kind of criticism peaked when she became coach of the US national women’s volleyball team in 2005 and led it to victory over China in the semifinals of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. As a matter of fact, her motherland is always in her mind.

After the Beijing Games, Lang made up her mind to return to China and became head coach of the Chinese women’s volleyball team in 2013. Under her guidance, our Chinese women’s volleyball team improved quickly and brought home the volleyball world cup last year. For Lang herself, its the culmination of a remarkable journey home and her legend continues. In the final analysis, her whole life has committed to volleyball.

Under the influence of Lang ping, anyway, I will have to struggle to move on whatever difficulties are on the way. I will never give up, struggling to lead an ideal life.




早在1984年郎平和中国女排队的其他队员就击败了东道主,赢得了洛杉矶奥运会的金牌,也是中国几十年来第一次获得奥运会的金牌。这使中国进入一个新的时代,中国队连续五年赢得国际冠军,极大地鼓舞了国家的士气,也使郎平赢得了国家英雄的称号。在20世纪80年代,他们曾五次赢得世界冠军,这使球队成为坚强意志的象征。 但是没有人可以一直赢,她们辉煌了一段时间后,遭遇了挫折。在此之后,郎平没有像许多其他队员一样成为体育行政部门的官员,她决心离开聚光灯下,或者到美国学习。在接下来的几年里,她边学习边训练外国队。然而她的决定当时引发了许多批评,甚至有些人认为她是“叛徒”。这种批评在她2005年成为美国队的教练于2008年北京奥运会半决赛中战胜中国时达到最高峰。事实上,祖国一直在她心中。

在北京奥运会后,郎平下定决心要回到中国,并且在2013年担任中国女排的主教练。在她的指导下,中国女排飞速进步并且在2015年夺得世界杯冠军。对于郎平她自己来说, 这是一场不平凡的回家之旅的高潮, 而且她的传奇故事还在继续。总而言之,她的一生都致力于排球。



为东京奥运会培养新生力量 郎平鼓励女排新人竞争上岗


爱拼才会赢!2018-04-02 10:56
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