近日,钦州市浦北县小江街道平马村被授予“全国生态文化村”。平马村距离县城仅2.5公里,是一个以大朗书院、浦北客家文化村为典型代表的生态文化村。该村民宅建筑古老,文化内容丰富,古树参天,生态环境良好。“Recently, Pingma Village, which is located in Pubei county of Qinzhou city, was awarded the title of national eco-culture village. Pingma Village is only 2.5 kilometers away from the county town. It is a typical ecological cultural village which is represented by Dalang Academy and Pubei Hakka Cultural Village. The villager's houses are ancient and full of cultural and historical contents. Old trees are reaching to the sky and the ecological environment is good.”。
大朗书院始建于清光绪二十五年(公元1899年),是该县清代兴建的16所书院中保存最完整的书院之一,也是一座古老的中原建筑文化和岭南建筑文化相交融的建筑群。“Dalang Academy was built in 1899. It is one of the most complete sixteen academies built in the Qing dynasty in Pubei county. Meanwhile, it is also an ancient building that combines Central Plains architectural culture and Lingnan(south of the Five Ridges, covering the area of Guangdong and Guangxi provinces) architectural culture.”。整座书院为三进两厢设计,采用砖、瓦、石、木的传统结构与小型园林风格相结合。书院正门上方,用花岗岩阳刻楷书“大朗书院”匾额,院内共有方石柱10条、圆形南木柱4条,均阴刻有“大朗”字头的对联。
老城村内保存有省级文物保护单位南朝古遗址“越州故城”。2012年3月2日,“越州故城”遗址内曾挖出龙凤提梁壶、黄釉莲花瓣六系罐、三足鼎等16件文物,发现距今1500多年的南朝古墓葬。2013年,“越州故城”被国务院核定为第七批全国重点文物保护单位。“In 2013, Yuezhou Old Town was approved by the State Council as the seventh batch of national key cultural relics protection units.”。
小江镇长田村委余屋村内保存有“镬耳楼”建筑群。建筑群屋顶构造别具一格,墙头高出屋面逾3米,塑起伏游龙状,两边设计对称,故称之为“镬耳楼”。“镬耳楼”始建于清嘉庆年间(1796年),占地面积6000多平方米,建筑面积5000多平方米,据说整座建筑物续建历时30多年。“Huoer House was built in 1796. It covers an area of more than 6,000 square meters, including 5,000 square meters floor area. It is said that the whole building has been built for more than 30 years.”。“镬耳楼”建筑群室内雕梁画栋,墙上刻有龙凤和花鸟鱼草等平面画或立体式浮雕壁画。
喜欢历史文化且对建筑艺术感兴趣的,不妨到这里感受一下古老建筑的艺术魅力。本报记者 叶祯/文 黄倩华/翻译