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来源:南宁晚报 2013-06-17 01:12   https://www.yybnet.net/

弓箭曾是狩猎工具,又充当过战斗兵器。弓箭还是许多文化中的一个重要元素。中国古代传说“后羿射日”中,弓箭起着不可替代的作用。“弓”,英语译为 bow;“弓弦”,英语译为 string, bowstring;“箭”,英语译为 arrow。例如:

1. 这个弓箭手带着弓箭。The archer was armed with a bow and arrow.

2. 如果弓弦拉得太紧,它会绷断。If a bowstring is too taut, it will snap.

与拉弓射箭相关的说法包括:搭箭上弦(to fit an arrow to the string/ bowstring),拉弓(to draw a bow/bowstring),射箭(to shoot/discharge an arrow, to let fly an arrow, to loose off an arrow),拉弓射箭(to shoot/discharge an arrow from a bow)。例如:3. 这个弓箭手搭箭上弦,举起弓来。The archer fitted an arrow to the string and lifted the bow.

4. 他朝那只飞鸟射了一箭。He loosed off an arrow at the flying bird.


5. 开弓没有回头箭。

1) Once an arrow flies off the bow/string/bowstring, there is no turning back.

2) Once an arrow goes off the bow/string/bowstring, there is no turning back.

3) Once an arrow leaves the bow/string/bowstring, there is no turning back.

4) Once an arrow is shot/discharged from the bow/string/bowstring, there is no turning back.

英国中世纪时,弓箭手通常都备有第二条弓弦(another/second string),当第一条弓弦断时可以马上替换。another/a second string to one's bow的比喻意义是another/a second skill or plan that you can use if you need to,喻指“第二手准备”。two/many strings to one's bow则分别喻指“两手准备/两种技能”和“多手准备/多种技能”。例如:

6. 我从来都不会没有活儿干,因为我有多种技能。I'm never out of work because I have so many strings to my bow. 据《环球时报》


皮特朱莉或举办海上婚礼 已申请英女王专用游轮


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