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他发起了食物应急捐赠 疫情下肯尼亚贫民窟怎样了?

来源:澎湃新闻 2020-05-02 11:16   https://www.yybnet.net/

原创 小游猪 游猪生态




作者|Kagima 卡基玛

译者|Zoon Rain Calypso 泽恩

Have you ever been to a third world economy like Africa? Have you ever slept hungry for several days and without a hope of ever getting something to put into your mouth? Things may sound a little bit weird on the tenor of this, I suppose. Especially if you have been born and raised in a 1st world economy like the China, US, or Europe. Let me provide you with details for free. Things in Africa may be totally different especially for slum dwellers.


■ 玛萨瑞的贫民窟青年。



Well, the pronouncement of COVID-19 as a national disaster, which was followed by lockdowns and curfews by the Kenyan government, is a nightmare of an experience to reckon with lately. Having in mind that this is a pandemic that caught everyone unawares, so many people”s lives in Kenya have been altered negatively by the disease.


Many families” bread winners have been rendered jobless and without none to turn to lately except waiting on God. Do you really understand what it means to sleep outside in the rains, in biting cold? Some people, to some nasty extent, have been evicted from their homes after they failed to raise their monthly rent. Guess how much is the rent? A meagre $30USD per month. Being in possession of more than enough should never be taken lightly by anybody. The situation within the slums has been dire as is the case for many other Kenyans.


■ 在玛萨瑞贫民窟,一些家庭得到了中国好心人的捐赠。

The foreboding curfew that later ushered in lockdown in some towns has seen people being cut off from basic needs providence and work. In Kenya, up to 80% of the total population depend on daily wage to provide for their families on daily basis; they have lost their income.


Mary (not her real name), who is a fruit hawker cited her predicament she now faces after being separated from her husband. She has been going back home empty handed with no food to feed her family. The situation is even worse since her kids are at home now after the government issued a directive on schools” indefinite closure.


For some, the term “curse” would surmount to describe the situation. Africa, regarded as the cradle of mankind; Kenya in particular, is no exemption from the deadly consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic. The so-called “cradle of mankind,” which seems to have revolted against evolution to modernism, is at its knees only praying for survival. With crumbled systems and inadequate ailing healthcare, one could only pray that the blunt of COVID-19 does not prevail than expected in Kenya.


■ 在我们分发食物时,一个正在叫卖水果的女人前来。



Often times, humanity takes for granted the obvious life happenings; ability to set food on the table, socialize, travel and even work freely. Today, many people tend to appreciate the many things they took for granted. Probably, life is trying to teach us that there are things that matter most than others.


Even worse, is the preceding effects of drought at the end of last year: locusts” invasion in Kenya early this year; the floods in January and prevailing presently, and now the Corona Virus disease which not only threatens to claim more lives than it has already, but as well dwarf the livelihoods of majority as well.


■ 受助者正在接受捐赠。

Nobody ever thought that at any given time, we would be grappling with grounded systems; like flights, lay-offs, curfew and eventual lockdown. To say the least, the Kenyan government, like many others, has resolved to save lives and resuscitate the economy later.


People strive to get by every day hoping the worst does not happen―total lockdown and deaths of many people. Goals and targets have been postponed indefinitely, schooling has been adjourned, employment opportunities lost, businesses closed, but families reunited without basic needs. The urge to want to acquire that new gadget, travel to that country, win that deal, get a start-up up and running. Excel in life! Is all good if done in the right motive. However, none should ever forget that there are people who live in abject poverty and all they probably know is the struggle of ever getting food to set on the table for only today.



■ 玛萨瑞贫民窟的青年,有些人因为无所事事而走向了犯罪之路。

Kenya, being an emerging economic hub in East and Central Africa is at its knees presently. The glorious “Silicon of Sahara” is no different from other growing third world economies. It could not even raise money to rescue its citizens stuck in Guangzhou, China and other countries. Its attention to the ailing health system is proving too costly already.


■ 分发资源前的调查中,一些住在玛萨瑞贫民窟的家庭。



In the recent past, many enterprises felt they could no longer accommodate the surplus employees after the government issued an order of adherence to social distancing. I too was affected. With such numbers now at home and without basic needs, how is one expected to survive? There are restrictions on where to go and what to do at any given time.


Luckily, many people from outside Africa who have had close interactions with Africa can almost attest to the predicament of the quality of life especially within some of the largest slums in the world; Kibra and Mathare. Mathare slums alone are inhabited by more than 500,000 people – Wikipedia. It is in this regard that a group of Chinese well-wishers donated victuals to some of the families. It is a dire situation for our own Kenyan citizens languishing in those humble and temporary abodes. These Chinese well-wishers pioneered the initiative with the aim of supporting the poor families in the slums to feed for at least a week.



■ 年轻人们帮忙布置分发物资的房间。

Previously, in our own capacity, we had tried, our hands could only lift but a portion at a time in our support for the needy. That is when the God-sent well-wishers turned up in our people”s every hour of need. Surely, they received the matter with a lot of weight and with both hands. They not only empathized but also sympathized with our people and thus gave their donation.


Many families, who benefitted from this aid, will forever tell the story. Being involved in the coordination and supervision of the program has been such an honor. But, being part of the success story that emanates from the exercise, is forever a callous mark that lingers for ages.


To me, it was an indicator that shows the world can be a better place if we stand by each other genuinely irrespective of race, geographical positioning, or cultural inclinations.


The distribution commenced on a high note as many target families did for sure show up, although some bread winners were weak and unable to come. Some were weak not because they had COVID-19 disease, but due to starvation for days.


Owing to this donation by the well-wishers based in China (names undisclosed), I among other local residents facilitated the distribution of food stuff; Unga (corn flour), wheat flour, sugar, cooking oil, rice, soap, salt, washable masks, and tea leaves. Some also received transport to take them back to the slums. One could almost read the joy of hope on their faces as they received the donations.


■ 一些玛萨瑞贫民窟的年轻人来为他们的家人领取捐助物资。

One breastfeeding mother testified of how she was unable to feed herself and children for 3 days. They had spent 3 good days without food. Some youth who also benefitted had been victims of crime recently due to idleness.


I would attest that the food aid goes a long way into perhaps mending the ailing relationship between Kenya and China. Nobody ever expected that somebody in China (miles away) could have the Kenyans wellbeing at heart in such times as these.




The act of mercy by these Chinese well-wishers restored my faith in humanity. At such times, the needful is ensuring that we share with our neighbors whenever possible with whatever we have which is virtuous.


The exercise again had to come to a halt 2 hours just before the country”s curfew settled in at 1900hrs Nairobi Time. The heavy rainfalls also threatened to scale up. Many have expressed gratitude towards the donors.


■ 正在挨饿的母乳喂养的女士

My grandmother always told me when I was growing up that “whatever I do, I do it not to another person, but unto myself.” How true that is.


Today, we rest assure that there is an honest and a friend indeed somewhere within China, and the world yonder. Our gratitude and blessings go out to the donors for coming to the rescue of many in Kenya.


Soon, we will regain our victory over this pandemic and live on as families we are only divided by oceans and seas but one in heart.


原标题:《他发起了食物应急捐赠,疫情下肯尼亚贫民窟怎样了? | 非洲真实故事》



战斗在抗疫最前沿 来自“五一”国际劳动节的致敬


评论:(他发起了食物应急捐赠 疫情下肯尼亚贫民窟怎样了?)
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