宋真宗赵恒所作的《励学篇》提倡读书风气,也影响天下士子近千年。今天,我们走进南宁的几家书院,来一场穿越数百年的书香之旅吧。“Today, let's take a look at some academies in Nanning and take a trip of literary through hundreds of years.”。
先从建于明嘉靖七年(1528年)的敷文书院说起吧。当时,王守仁(别号阳明,学者称之为阳明先生,亦称王阳明)率兵至南宁,于南宁城北门口县学旧址建书院。“Let's start with the Fuwen Academy, which was built in 1528. At that time, Wang Shouren, also known as Wang Yangming, led his army to Nanning and built an academy at the old site of the school in the north gate of Nanning city.”。日集诸生,讲学其中,论辩“致良知学”(将良知推广到万事万物的学说)。相传王撰记,并手书匾额“以宣扬至仁,诞敷文德”,故名。敷文书院经过多朝代的修建,于1926年改建省立第一中学校女子部,1927年改为省立第三女子师范学校,1930年改为省立第三女子中学校。“After the construction of many dynasties, in 1926, the Fuwen Academy was transformed into the girls' department of the Provincial No.1 Middle School. Later, it became the Third Provincial Normal School in 1927 and the Third Provincial Girls' School in 1930.”。敷文书院旧址在北宁路与共和路交会处,即广西壮族自治区储备局宿舍。敷文书院原先的建筑已不复存在,但是路边墙体上镶嵌的那块“王文成公讲学处”记录着曾经的辉煌。
武鸣区有一所阳明书院,相传为王守仁讲学地,因院内榕树多,故名榕树园。该座书院建于明万历年间,清道光年间重建,辉煌时学生有数百人,榕树园主人李彦掌曾率诸生333人作王守仁生日。1969年9月,书院改名为武鸣县府城高级中学,办学至今。“There is a Yangming Academy in Wuming district of Nanning. It is said that it is the place of Wang Shouren's lecture. Because there are lots of banyan trees, it is called Banyan Garden as well. The academy was built in the reign of Emperor Wanli of the Ming dynasty and rebuilt in the reign of Emperor Daoguang of the Qing dynasty. It had hundreds of students in its glorious times. In September 1969, the academy was changed into Wuming Fucheng High School, which has been running up to now.”。
新会书院位于解放路42号,清乾隆三年(1738年)由旅居南宁的广东新会籍人士集资兴建,主要用来给居住在南宁的广东新会籍经商人士的子女读书,并用作商人集会的地方。“Xinhui Academy is located in Jiefang Road. It was built in 1738 by the businessmen who came from Xinhui of Guangdong province. It is mainly a place where the children of the businessmen have classes and where the businessmen gather.”。新会书院重建于清道光二十三年(1843年),面积800多平方米,是南宁市保存最完整、规模最大、最能体现岭南建筑艺术特色的一处古建筑。上世纪80年代中期,电影《孙中山》剧组曾到新会书院采景拍摄。经过多次修缮的新会书院,如今成为邕剧的文化展示点,逢年过节都会有好戏上演。
本报记者 叶祯/文 黄倩华/翻译