站在古民水库前,隔水相望,上林县巷贤镇长联村古民庄120座保存完好的清代建筑静静地耸立在青山绿水间,默默讲述着历史长河中的沧桑变化。“Standing in front of the Gumin Reservoir, facing the river, there are 120 well-preserved ancient buildings of the Qing dynasty in the lucid waters and lush mountains in Gumin Village. They silently show the changes of history.”。
据村里老人讲,古民庄原名“鼓鸣寨”,因寨子后山有石头敲击如鼓响而得名。古建筑大多数是两层楼房,墙体多为黄色夯土或结合青砖建造,屋顶全部铺以青瓦,古屋间的巷道为青石板路。“According to the old people in the village, the original name of the village is Guming.(It means the sound of drums in Chinese.) It is named for the stone beating like drums. Most of the ancient buildings are two-storey buildings. The walls are mostly constructed of the rammed earth and black bricks. All the roofs are covered with grey tiles and the roadways between the ancient buildings are made of bluestones.”。每户古屋的前厅都有一个天井,下雨时,雨水向天井汇集,再通过排水系统将水排出屋外。这个设计充分反映了古人的聪明智慧。
据驴友介绍,鼓鸣寨附近有一座狮子山,山上有一片草原,天晴时登山远眺,蓝天白云下,一群群水牛悠然地吃着草。“The backpackers say that there is a Lion Mountain near Gumin Village. There is a grassland on the mountain. When it is sunny, you climb the mountain, you will see many buffaloes eating grass leisurely under the blue sky.”。你可以静静地躺在草地上,看着天上云卷云舒,让时光悄然从朝霞变成晚霞,不经意间就拥有了诗和远方。
除了古民庄,上林县还有三里·洋渡、大龙湖、毛塘湿地、东红湿地等特色旅游区。上林还被誉为“徐霞客最眷恋的地方”、首府南宁的“后花园”。明代著名地理学家、旅行家和文学家徐霞客,在路过上林时为这里的风景流连忘返。观赏54天后,他在《徐霞客游记》中足足用了1万多字介绍上林的美景,可谓浓墨重彩。“Xu Xiake, a famous geographer, traveler, writer of the Ming dynasty, was traveling here and enjoying himself so much as to forget to go home for the beautiful scenery of Shanglin county. After 54 days' stay, he used more than 10,000 words to introduce the beauty of Shanglin in his book, The Travels of Xu Xiake.”。
秋高气爽的 9月,可带上旅行设备到狮子山的草原扎营,吹吹山风、看看星空,享受乡村的宁静和休闲。
本报记者 叶祯/文 黄倩华/翻译