3月24日中午,记者路过朝阳路口时,看到路边一棵黄葛榕正用一树的新芽撑起一把嫩绿色的“巨伞”。粗壮树干上一块“广西壮族自治区古树名木保护牌”告诉过往的人们,2018年4月挂牌时这棵古树已经150岁啦。“AtnoononMarch24,whenthere-porter passed the intersection of Xinchaoy-ang, she saw a banyan(ficus virens aiton) onthe roadside, its new leaves form a giant ten-der green umbrella. A protection sign on thethick tree trunk with the words Famous An-cient Trees In Guangxi tells passing peoplethat the tree was 150 years old when the signwas put up in April 2018.”。
不远处的北宁街路口,同样是一棵黄葛榕,2018年4月挂牌时已经165岁高龄。“Atthe intersection of Beining Street, not too far,there is also a banyan tree, which was 165years old when the protection sign was putupinApril2018.”。不少老南宁人都认识这位“黄爷爷”,因为城市的建设,它还挪过一次“窝”,在园林工人的精心呵护下,它重新焕发生机。
以前,广西很多村庄的村口都会有一棵老榕树,南宁市的城中村也不例外。“Inthepast, there was an old banyan tree at the en-
trance of many villages in Guangxi, as well astheurbanvillagesinNanning.”。“大树脚到了,请乘客从后门下车……”这个公交车的广播陪伴许多南宁人走过无数个春秋,特别是居住在西乡塘片区经常乘坐公交车途经友爱路的居民,对“大树脚”有种特别的情感。30多年前,这棵位于现在友爱立交附近的大榕树就是当时的“地标”,人们只要站在明秀友爱路口,就能看到那一树的葱绿。后来随着道路扩建,大榕树往安吉方向挪动了一定的距离。“Morethan30yearsago,thebigban-yan tree now located near Youai FlyoverJunction was the landmark at that time. Aslong as people stand at the intersection, theycan see the lush green tree. Later, with theexpansion of the roads, this big banyanmoved a certain distance in the direction ofAnji.”。
在长虹路往松柏路方向,一棵400多岁的扁桃树屹立道路中间,它是南宁市最古老的扁桃树。2016年,道路建设施工期间,建设方曾计划移植这棵“扁桃王”。但为了让古树存活复壮,建设方根据园林部门的意见,改变了施工方案,将“扁桃王”留在了道路中间。为树改变工程设计方案的还有白沙大桥。据介绍,这座大桥在建造之初,为保留津头那棵200年树龄的大榕树,设计方案进行了多次修改,可见南宁人对古树的保护意识之强。“Itisreportedthatatthebegin-ning of the construction of Baisha Bridge, thedesign scheme was modified many times inorder to retain the 200-year-old banyan treein Jintou. It can be seen that Nanning peoplehave a strong awareness of the protection ofancient trees.”。
南宁的古树遍布各城区,它们用舒展的绿冠为人们遮阴,同时,展现了一幅幅充满生机的画卷。每一棵古树都是一本书,让我们用春夏秋冬、萌芽与落叶来读懂它们。 本报记者叶祯/文 黄倩华/翻译
上新了 青秀山迎来第二轮春色绽放 其中不乏新开辟的观赏区域“粉色花林”