茅山舞其实并非横县土生土长,而是从浦北县福旺村传入横县百合镇、马山乡及周边地区的一种民间祭祀舞蹈。“Maoshan Dance did not originate from Baihe town. It was a folk sacrifice dance which was introduced from Fuwang village to Baihe town and the surrounding regions.”。
茅山舞,是一种由道公舞演变而来的、独特的、具有浓郁民族色彩的舞蹈形式。茅山舞主要由七个人分别装扮成使者、三名夫人和三名将军。“The Maoshan Dance is evolved from the Taoist dance. It is a unique dance form with strong national colors. The Maoshan Dance is mainly composed of seven people. They were dressed as a messenger, three madams and three generals.”。其舞蹈动作有“行罡步”“三台罡步”“五星步”“七星罡步”等;舞蹈内容可分为四部分,“请师”“三夫人”“三将军”和“罗帏”,前三部分内容为将军施法驱邪恶。其中,“罗帏”即以罗网把所有妖魔鬼怪一网打尽,使乡村得以太平安宁。
茅山舞还有一个关于妹妹为救兄长斩妖除魔的感人传说。相传,唐代时期,陈氏夫人的兄长不幸被妖魔抓走,并困于囚笼之中,前去搭救的人员都被妖魔所噬。陈氏夫人为救兄长,决意与结拜姐妹林、李两人同去茅山学法。“According to the legend, in the Tang dynasty, Madam Chen's brother was unfortunately captured by the demon and trapped in a cage. Those who went to rescue him were all devoured by the demon. In order to save his brother, Madam Chen decided to go to Maoshan to learn magic spells with her good friends, Madam Lin and Madam Li.”。三姐妹历尽千辛万苦到茅山,师父被她们救兄行动所感动,便赠予火筒、瓜刨两件降魔宝物。“After untold hardships, they finally arrived in Maoshan. The Master was moved by their rescue actions, and then he gave them two magic treasures, the fire tune and the planer.”。在三姐妹与妖魔斗法时,吹两下火筒就有天兵天将前来助阵,瓜刨可变成锋利的金刀与妖魔激战,三姐妹最终战胜妖魔,顺利救出兄长。“In the battle with the demon, the fire tune could be turned into many heaven soldiers, and the peeler could be turned into sharp golden swords. The three madams finally defeated the demon and rescued Madam Chen's elder brother successfully.”。
为让当地百姓安居乐业,茅山师父特派唐文明、葛文都、周文干三位将军与三姐妹一起保百姓太平。“In order to let the local people live and work in peace, Master Maoshan sent three generals, Tang Wenming, Ge Wendu, Zhou Wengan, to keep the local people in peace with these three madams.”。于是,民间把这三姐妹称为三夫人,并将他们和三大将军尊奉为神,每逢农历三月初三、七月中元节、九月重阳节或丰收喜庆节庆日,便请师公艺人跳茅山舞,以祈求风调雨顺,岁岁平安。
本报记者 叶祯/文 黄倩华/翻译
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