上月,荣地村被选入第一批拟入选全国乡村旅游重点村名录。据悉,2006年11月,荣地村被评为“广西农业旅游示范点”,2007年被评为“柳州市十大美丽乡村”。“Last month, Rongdi Village was selected as the first batch of the list of key rural tourism villages in China. It is reported that in November 2006, Rongdi Village was named as the agricultural demonstration site in Guangxi and in 2007 was named as the top ten beautiful villages of Liuzhou.”。
荣地村背靠元宝山原始森林,地处深山幽谷之中,空气质量达国家一级标准,溪水清洌甘甜,湖水清澈见底,原始森林古树参天。“Rongdi Village is located in the deep valley of Yuanbao mountain and it is close to the virgin forest. The air quality has reached the first-class national standard. The stream water is sweet and the lake water is clear. In the virgin forest, old trees are reaching to the sky.”。
荣地村交通便利,周边还有国家AAAA级景区龙女沟。“Rongdi Village has convenient transportation. There is a national 4A-level scenic area near the village, the Longnvgou Scenic Area.”。1930年,邓小平率领的中国工农红军第七军为开辟革命根据地和北上与中央红军会师,曾经过龙女沟景区。如今,景区内还保留着当年红军行军路过的红军桥。“Today, the Red Army Bridge that passed by the Red Army is still preserved in the scenic area.”。
荣地村依山而建,推开窗户,映入眼帘的除了连绵山峦,便是层层梯田。“Rongdi Village is built on mountains. You can see the wonderful views of mountains and terraces through the windows.”。随着秋风送爽,稻田由青变黄。跟着村民穿越田埂到田间摸回“禾花鱼”,简单处理后,用香草包着现场烧烤,如此“天做顶地为席”地品尝美味,让你感觉另一番风味。
此外,参观少数民族非物质文化遗产传承基地,参与农事体验项目,观赏民俗项目……丰富多样的民俗活动,让你在娱乐中对荣地村有更多的了解。“Besides, you can visit the intangible cultural heritage base of the ethnic minorities, participate in farming work experience projects and enjoy many folk custom activities. Through a variety of activities, you may have a better understanding of Rongdi Village.”。
本报记者 叶祯/文 黄倩华/翻译