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英语中考复习攻略—初三(下册) 柳州市铁五中教育集团英语组 雷燕蓉 凌惠瑛

来源:柳州晚报 2018-04-26 12:22   https://www.yybnet.net/


一、thanks to与

1.thanks for因……而感谢, `for是介词,其后可接名词、代词宾格、动名词等

2.thanks to 多亏,归功于,to 是介词,其后可接名词、代词宾格、动名词等

3.常用含介词to+doing词组:be /get used to doing sth习惯于做某事,

look forward to doing sth期待做某事,pay attention to doing sth注意做某事

thanks to doing sth多亏做某事,prefer doing A to doingB 喜欢做A胜于做B

(注意:prefer to do喜欢做某事,to 是不定式符号)

二、used to do sth; get/be used to doing sth;be used for doing /to do sth与be used as

1.used to do sth过去常常做某事(to不定式符号)

2.get/be used to doing sth习惯于做某事(to 介词)

3.be used for doing /to do sth. 被用来做某事

4.be used as 被作为……使用

三、had better do 最好做否定式: had better not do最好不做

四、含 look 词组辨析

look at看,look after照顾, look like看起来像,look for寻找,look up查阅,向上看,look down轻视,向下看,look over检查,look out of 朝外看,look out当心,look into朝里看,look across眺望,look through浏览(注意:仔细判断词意和词性,学会区别动词+介词,宾语放介词后,但动词+副词宾语是代词(宾格)放中间,宾语是名词放中间,也可放后面。

五、so…that 如此……以致于与 too…to 太……而不能

1. so+形容词/副词原形+that+句子

2. too+形容词/副词原形+to +动词原形

六、1.feel/hear/listen to/see/look at/watch/notice sb doing,感觉、听见、看见、注意到某人正在做某事,现在分词作宾语补足语,表示动作正在进行

2.feel/hear/listen to/see/look at/watch/notice sb do 感觉、听见、看见、注意到某人常做(已经做过)某事,省去to 的动词不定式作宾语补足语,表示动作已经发生或经常发生


1.and 和,表示并列关系连接几个并列主语时,主语是复数,谓语动词与复数一致。

2.but 但是,表示转折关系

3. or 或者,表示选择关系

八、and,with, along with,together with与as well as

1.and 和,表示并列关系连接几个并列主语时,主语是复数,谓语动词与复数一致。

A and B+谓语(与复数一致)

2. A+with/ along with/together with/as well as+B 谓语(与A保持一致)


enjoy doing享受做,keep doing坚持做,practice doing练习做,finish doing做完,suggest doing建议做,allow doing 允许做,mind doing介意做,include doing包括做,avoid doing避免做,stand doing忍受做,can’t help doing 情不自禁做,start doing=to do,begin doing=to do 开始做,

stop doing停止做,(stop to do停止去做),

remember/forget doing记得、忘记做过,( remember/forget to do记得、忘记去做)

like doing喜欢做(习惯),like to do喜欢做(偶然)



(一)时间介词on in at

1.星期前用on on Sundays on Sunday morning 具体日期前用on on April 5th

时间morning night afternoon evening 之前有a /an ,或后有of 短语,用on

on a cold morning on the night of May

固定词组:on that day on the first day of my trip

2. 月份前、年份前、季节前用 in in July in 1998 in autumn

固定词组:in the afternoon in the evening in the morning

3. 具体钟点前at ten o’clock

固定词组:at night = in the night

在周末: at /on the weekend (在周末,特指) at / on weekends (在周末,泛指)

(二)方位介词in on to at under below over above

1. 包含在内用in Taiwan is in the south of China.

2. 边界相接用on Guangdong is on the east of Guangxi.The book is on the desk.

3. 边界不相接用 to Guangxi is to the east of Fujian.

4. over 表某物的正上方;above 表某物的斜上方

There is a bridge over the river . We were flying above the clouds.

5. under 表某物的正下方;below表某物的斜下方

There is a boy under the tree. The temperature is below zero.

(三)in front of 在外部的前面 in the front of 在内部的前面

(四) between (两者之间)between……and…… among (三者之间)

(五) by on in with

by plane /air = in a plane by sea /ship by train = on a train by bike = on a bike

by bus = in a bus by boat = in a boat

on foot on the telephone on radio

He writes with a pen. The boy with black hair did the work.

(六)leave for leave——for 前往 I am leaving for New York. I will leave Liuzhou for Beijing



1.分子用基,分母用序,当分子大于1 时,分母加s . three fifths


3.几分之一的一,可用one a/an 二分之一 one /a second

4. 四分之几的四,可用fourth quarter three fourths/ quarters.

(二)1. for the first time (第一次)

2. a second time a third time (又一次)

3.hundred thousand million billion 有具体数字,不加s 和of,反之,加s 和of.


小时在前,分钟在后,按基数词读(顺读法) 11:15 eleven fifteen

几点过几分,用past(分钟小于等于30)(逆读法)7:20 twenty past seven

几点差几分,用to(分钟大于30)11:46 fourteen to twelve

几刻钟:一刻钟a quarter 三刻钟 three quarters 九点一刻:a quarter past nine

(四)年代: in + the+ 数词的复数形式in the 1998s 在二十世纪九十年代



(2017柳州) 1.Boys and girls,look ____the blackboard,please.

A atB. out C.in

(2016柳州)2.—The cat is missing. Will you please __________ it?

—No problem.

A. look for

B. look up C. look at

(2015柳州)3. Mike

__________ Betty are our friends.

A. but B. or C. and

(2014柳州)4.Tony, as

well as his parents

_______ visit the company yesterday.

A.was invited to

B.were invited to

C.invited to

(2013柳州)5. You’d

________ smoking,or you will get ill.

A. give out B. give upC. give back

(2013柳州)6.Li Wei is __________ young that he can’t go with us.

A. such B. soC. too

(2013柳州)7.Lucy enjoys

__________ music a lot.

A. listening to B. listen toC. to listen to

8._____the heavy rain,all the fields was watered. The crops were helpful.

A. As for B. According toC. Thanks to

9.The bottle was used

_______holding water

and now it is used

_______a vase.

A.to; as B. for; as C. as;for

10. When the boy studied in the classroom yesterday, he saw a bird through the window.

A.fly B. flyingC. to fly

11.This is a big class, and______of the students are girls.

A.two third B. second three C. onethird

(2016柳州)12. Li Ying clean sher room_______ the


A. at B. forC. in

(2016柳州)13. Paul is a

friend of __________.

A. my brother

B. my brothers

C. my brother’s

14. Excuse me. Is this _____ book,Tony? --- No,It’s not ________.

A. yours, mine

B. your, mine

C. your, my

15. ________ are in the same class.

A. You,he, and I

B. He,I and she

C. He,I and you

16. About ______of the students in our class were born in the ________.

A. twothirds,1990s

B. twothirds,1990

C. two third,1990s

17. When and where were you born? --I was born ____ October 1st,2002 _____ Liuzhou.

A.on,on B.in,in C. on, in

18. I like going to school _____ my bike.

A. in B. on C. by






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评论:(英语中考复习攻略—初三(下册) 柳州市铁五中教育集团英语组 雷燕蓉 凌惠瑛)
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