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来源:安徽日报 2014-05-26 22:12   https://www.yybnet.net/

——Application ofSpace Technologies forUNESCOdesignatedWorldHeritageSites andBiosphereReserves andUNESCOaffiliatedGlobalGeoparks


26-30May 2014,Huangshan·China

美丽黄山 精神家园

黄山,位于中国安徽省黄山市境内,保护区总面积490平方公里,规划区面积160.6平方公里。境内海拔超过千米的山峰88座,三大主峰(莲花、天都、光明)之中,最高峰——莲花峰1864.8米。黄山,是中国山水的经典代表、中华民族的重要象征、“美丽中国”的品牌与名片,1985年入选 “中国十大风景名胜”;1990年入选世界文化与自然遗产名录、2004年加入世界地质公园网络、2014年申报全球保护地最佳管理绿色名录。

黄山,是中华文化名山。黄山古称“黟山”(黛青色大山),相传中华民族人文始祖——轩辕黄帝在此 “修炼而仙”,唐玄宗李隆基笃信道教,遂于公元747年敕改黟山为 “黄山”(黄帝之山)。千百年以来的人文活动,遗留下摩崖石刻300多处,古道、古桥、古亭近百处;催生了2万多篇(首)文学作品;孕育了在中国画坛上独树一帜、影响深远的山水画派——“黄山画派”。

黄山,是世界风景名山。素以奇松、怪石、云海、温泉、冬雪“五绝”景观著称于世,被誉为“震旦国中第一奇山”;境内1019处著名景观中,自然景观688处。 17世纪初,地理学家、旅行家徐霞客曾两次登临黄山,赞叹道:“薄海内外,无如徽之黄山,登黄山天下无山,观止矣! ”黄山,还是生态绿色名山。景区生态系统稳定平衡,植物荟萃、生灵共舞,共有植物1805种,动物323种。

黄山,是改革开放名山。 1979年,中国改革开放的总设计师邓小平视察黄山并发表“黄山谈话”,掀开中国旅游业改革开放的序幕。35年来,黄山人谨遵 “把黄山的牌子打出去”的嘱托,加快推进国际化战略,加强国际交流与合作。 先后加入世界自然保护联盟、全球可持续旅游委员会等国际组织,并联合创立了可持续目的地领导者全球联盟;先后与瑞士少女峰、美国约塞米蒂、加拿大班夫等名录遗产缔结了友好关系;参与制订的 《全球可持续旅游目的地标准》已向全球发布。


BeautifulMtHuangshan SpiritualHome

Located inHuangshanCity,AnhuiProvinceofChina,Mt.Huangshan covers a plannedarea of 160.6 square kilometers. The totalprotected areameasures 490 square kilo-meters. Eighty-eightpeaks in themountainranges tower over 1,000meters above sealevel, ofwhich theLotusPeak (LianHuaFeng), the highestofall,measures 1,864.8meters.Mt. Huangshan is an outstandingrepresentative forChina’smarvelous land-scapes aswellas an important spiritual em-bodimentofChinese nation. It is a resound-ing brand and name card for “BeautifulChina”. In 1985, it stood outas one of “thetop ten scenic areas inChina”. In 1990, itwas listed as aUNESCO world culturalandnaturalheritage site. In 2004, it becamemember of theGlobalGeoparksNetwork. Itis applying for themembership in IUCNGreen List of Protected Areas this year.Mt.Huangshan is rich inChinese culture. Itis said thatMt.Huangshan,once calledMt.Yishan (literally giant black and bluishmountains) in an early ancient time, Em-perorHuang, the culturalprimogenitor ofChinese nation,was immortalized.EmperorLiLongji (685-762)of theTangDynasty sodevoutly believed inTaoism thathe orderedthemountain be changed to “Mt. Huang-shan” (meaning “themountain ofEmperorHuang”). In the past 1,000 years ofhumanactivities, it has inspired creation of over20,000 pieces of literarywriting, over 300sites of cliff carvings and inscriptions, andabout 100 ancient paths, bridges, andpavilions. Furthermore, it gave birth to“Huangshan Painting School”,an extremelyinfluentialpainting school inChina’s land-scape paintings.Mt. Huangshan is aworld renowned desti-nation for its natural landscapes. Highlypraised as “themost splendid mountainrange inChina”,Mt. Huangshan ispopu-larly known for its “fivewonders”,namely,unique shaped pine trees growing out ofcliffs, grotesque rock formations, themar-velous sea of clouds, recuperative hotsprings,and breathtakingwinter scenery.A-mong the 1,019 sites of attraction, 688 arenaturalones. In the early 17th century,XuXiake (1587-1641), geologistand seasonedtraveler of theMingDynasty, after visitingthemountains twice,exclaimed in his travel-ogue that “Among all the tourist attractionsin theworld,Mt.Huangshan inHuizhou hasno equal.Once on the top, one can find nomatch to its beauty, which is a realmar-vel! ”Mt.Huangshan is also an ecologicallywell-preserved greenmountain.The ecolog-ical system stays stable and balanced. Cur-rently, there are 1805 kinds ofplants and323 kinds of animals inMt. Huangshanscenic area.Mt.Huangshan is a pioneer inChina’s re-form. In 1979,DengXiaoping, themasterplanner ofChina’s reform and openingup policy, inspectedMt. Huangshan anddelivered “Huangshan Remarks”. In thepast 35 years,Huangshan people have fol-lowed his directions “to popularize thebrand name ofHuangshan”. To quickenthe steps of internationalization and en-hance international exchange and cooper-ation, Mt. Huangshan has joined in theInternationalUnion for theConservation ofNature and NaturalReserves (IUCN) andthe Global Sustainable Tourism Council(GSTC). In addition, it has also co-estab-lished the SustainableDestination Leader-shipNetwork (SDLN). It has establishedsistership park relationswithMt. JungfrauofSwitzerland, YosemiteNationalPark ofUSA, and BanffNationalPark ofCanadasuccessively. The Global SustainableTourism DestinationsCriteria, whichMt.Huangshan has actively involved in the for-mulation, is now releasedworldwide.Mt.Huangshan isa scientifically planned andwellmanagedmountain. Following the ideaof “giving priority to conservation and de-velopment, striving formanagerial innova-tion and harmonious construction”, Mt.Huangshan has endeavored to achieve thevision of “minimizing environmental im-pacts,maximizing socialand economic ben-efits,optimizing the tour experience”. Ithassuccessfully carried out the programs of“Observatory on Sustainable Tourism De-velopmentatWorldHeritageSite” andwasone ofGSTC’sPilots forDestinationCrite-ria. Itsmanagement experience and “goodpractice” have been warmly received byUNWTO.Consequently,Mt.Huangshan hasreceived international and regional honorssuch asMelinaMercouri InternationalPrizefor the Safeguarding andManagement ofCulturalLandscapes byUNESCO, FinalistofDestination Stewardship Award 2010 by“Tourism forTomorrow” ofWorldTraveland Tourism Council (WTTC),ChinaRe-sponsible Tourism Awards 2012winner byPacificAsia TravelAssociation (PATA). Inaddition,Mt. Huangshan implemented theSystem ofMeasures forExcellenceDestina-tion (SMED)by theWorldCenter ofExcel-lence forDestinations (CED) in 2012.



本报讯(记者 吴江海)6月4日,记者从黄山市环保局举行的新闻发布会上获悉,该市已在中心城区的屯溪老街实施“黄标车”限行。屯溪老街是著名的旅游步行商业街,也是全国首个历史文化保护街区,区域范围...


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