在广西第一批传统村落名录中,贺州市钟山县有7个村上榜,其中包括公安镇的荷塘村、大田村上榜。“There are seven villages of Zhongshan county on the list of the first batch of Guangxi traditional villages, including Hetang Village and Datian Village.”。大田村距县城约10公里,村中有一座建于清光绪四年(即1878年)的大田戏台。戏台为砖、石、木结构,呈凸字形,通高10余米,由前台和后台组成。“Datian Village is about 10 kilometers away from the county town and it has an opera stage, Datian Stage, which was built in 1878. The stage is made of brick, stone and wood. With a convex shape, it is more than 10 meters high and composed of the front stage and the backstage.”。整座戏台雕工极为精美,八柱梁构架,八角藻井复顶,鼓石垫柱,青砖砌墙,青石为基,基旁雕以八仙贺寿,凿双龙以戏珠,台上镂两虎以扶角,嵌二狮以呈瑞,后屏风饰以山川楼阁、彩凤仙鹤等木雕,工艺精湛,构图和谐。
戏台古朴典雅、雄伟壮观,符合力学、声学原理,属水口庙附属建筑,掩映于古树秀竹之中,清澈的溪流环绕,环境优雅别致、清静恬适,为广西不可多见的古戏台之一。1981年,大田戏台被列为广西壮族自治区重点文物保护单位。“The stage is simple, classical, elegant and magnificent. It conforms to the principles of mechanics and acoustics. It belongs to the outbuilding of Shuikou Temple. The whole environment is beautiful, unique, quiet and comfortable, and it is one of the rare ancient stages in Guangxi. In 1981, Datian Stage was listed as the key cultural relic protection unit of Guangxi.”。
十里画廊景区位于县城西北18公里,有荷塘群峰、双元群峰、姑婆山等景点,绵延十几里,故称十里画廊。“The scenic area of Shi Li Hua Lang is located 18 kilometers northwest away of the county town. The entire scenic area contains lotus ponds, hills, Gupo Mountain and other scenic spots. The picturesque scenery has about ten miles, so it is called Shi Li Hua Lang. (Shi Li means ten miles and Hua Lang means gallery.)”。景区内最高点为皇冠山,主峰海拔约450米,最低处为姑婆山水库底。“The highest point in the scenic area is Huangguan Hill. The main peak is about 450 meters above sea level. The lowest point is the bottom of the reservoir of Gupo Mountain.”。
本报记者 叶祯/文黄倩华/翻译
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