村民介绍,双蒙村何家屯的何姓村民于宋绍兴九年(1139年)从湖广大汉口(现在的湖北省汉口)移居此地,迄今880年。“People said that the villagers with the surname of He in Shuangmeng village migrated from Hankou of Hubei province in 1139. So far, 880 years have passed.”。据何氏家谱记载,明清时期何家屯有13人考中进士、举人,甚至还出现过祖孙三代两进士一举人、父子皆为进士、兄弟同为秀才的佳话。因为历史原因,目前村中仅保存两块进士牌匾。
双蒙村中有两块清光绪年间的牌匾,分别为“皓首齐眉”“耋寿荣增”,因为年代久远,多数村人已不知其来历。据悉,明清之际,牌坊匾额成为最高统治者褒奖功德孝贤的重要形式。“There are two plaques in Shuangmeng village which were made in the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing dynasty. Because of the long history, most villagers have no idea of the origin of these two plaques. It is reported that in the Ming and Qing dynasties, plaques became an important form of praising those who have merits, virtues and filial piety by the supreme rulers.”。乾隆登基后,凡朝臣七十寿诞,要员父母八十、九十高寿,乾隆都不忘题匾赐匾以彰庆贺。其做法影响之后的多位皇帝,使得老人祝寿匾在清代成为一时风尚,至今仍有大量实物留存。
何家屯有4座石门楼,1座建于明朝,另外3座建于清朝,均由经雕刻的青石砖堆砌而成。2001年,何家村石门楼被列为县级重点文物保护单位。“Hejia village has four stone gate buildings. One was built in the Ming dynasty and other three were built in the Qing dynasty. They are all made of carved black bricks. In 2001, these four buildings were listed as the county-level key cultural relic protection units.”。
村中央有一处用石头砌成的“双拱状元门”。东汉后期,村中的蒙廷亮、吴佰成先后成为“武状元”,按照当时的规矩,要在武状元的家乡修筑状元拱门,因有两名状元,就形成了如今的“双拱状元门”。“There is a stone-made double arched champion gate at the center of the village. In the late Eastern Han dynasty, Meng Tingliang and Wu Baicheng became the first in the imperial examinations for military personnel. According to the rules at that time, the arched gate should be built in the hometown of the champion. Because there were two champions, the double arched champion gate had formed.”。据说,古时官员行至状元拱门时,武将要下马,文官须下轿。
本报记者 叶祯/文 黄倩华/翻译