本月初,一支中英联合洞穴科考探险队在广西河池凤山县发现了一个巨型洞穴大厅,该大厅位于一个百米深的天坑底部。地质专家认为,其巨大的体量十分罕见,堪称“世界级”。“At the beginning of this month, a huge cave hall was found in Fengshan county by the Sino British expedition. This cave hall is situated at the bottom of a 100 meter deep Tiankeng. The geological experts believe that the size of this huge cave hall is very rare and it is regarded as the world level.”。
10月4日,在凤山县平乐瑶族乡海亭村的弄乐天坑,探险队利用SRT单绳技术(single rope technique)下降到天坑底部进行考察。“In October 4th, the members of the expedition used SRT to drop down to the bottom of Nongle Tiankeng and investigate.”。弄乐天坑位于一片峰丛洼地,是新近发现的天坑。它宽约100米,长200多米,最大深度118米。“Nongle Tiankeng is located in a Fengcong depression and it is newly discovered. It is about 100 meters wide and 200 meters long. Its maximum depth is 118 meters.”。天坑底部的东南方向,倾斜塌陷形成一个巨大的洞穴。
洞穴里坡度很大,地势崎岖。“The slope in this cave is not gentle and the terrain is rugged.”。洞内有廊道、厅堂、塌坑以及大量崩塌岩块、石柱、穴珠等沉积物。因弄乐天坑位于海亭村,所以该洞穴大厅被称为海亭大厅。“Nongle Tiankeng is in the area of Haiting village, so the cave hall is called Haiting Cave Hall.”。这个洞穴深处有地下河,与邻近凤山三门海景区的暗河相通,流出地面后成为盘阳河的源头。
探险队对该洞穴大厅进行3D扫描,发现了一个高达150米的天井,还有一个竖井及不少穴珠。据介绍,利用3D技术进行洞穴激光扫描,可穿透黑暗、迷雾和深渊,地质学家和探险家可在电脑图像的指引下,把人眼一时观测不到的地方全部收入“法眼”,实现精确测量。初步测量数据显示,洞穴最高处达200米,面积达7.7万平方米,仅次于世界最大的洞穴大厅——贵州苗厅。“Preliminary survey data show that the cave hall is 200 meters high with an area of 77,000 square meters. It is after the Miao Cave Hall of Guizhou, the largest cave hall in the world.”。
凤山是喀斯特旅游的富集带。2007年,广西乐业-凤山世界地质公园正式挂牌开园,主要有天窗群(skylight)、大型洞穴群(cave)、峰丛(Fengcong)、天生桥(natural bridge)、天坑(Tiankeng)、地下河(underground river)等喀斯特景观。
此前,在该地质公园发现的红玫瑰洞穴大厅,世界排名第五,目前正在开发当中。“The Red Rose Cave Hall, discovered in this geopark, the fifth largest in the world, is under developement.”。马可波罗洞穴大厅,世界排名第十二,尚未开发。
不少网友对山洞探险比较好奇,需要提醒的是,如果不是专业人员,没有专业的设备,出于安全考虑,最好不要去尚未开发的洞穴内探险。“If you are not professional and without professional equipments, for savety reasons, please do not explore in the virgin caves.”。
本报记者 叶祯/文 黄倩华/翻译