日前,河池市凤山县三门海镇坡心村等10个村获广西特色旅游名村称号。“A few days ago, Poxin village of Sanmenhai county and other 10 villages were awarded the title of the famous characteristic tourism village of Guangxi.”。
据悉,三门海镇坡心村在2017年接待游客19.46万人次,较2014年增长18.2%,村民年均纯收入4850元,较2014年增长23.6%。“It is reported that Poxin village received 194,600 tourists in 2017. Compared with 2014, the number of tourists increased by 18.2%. The average annual net income of the villagers is 4850 yuan. It has an increase of 23.6% over 2014.”。无愧“广西特色旅游名村”的称号。
广西的喀斯特地貌造就了三门海镇独特的岩溶风景,在世界地质公园三门海景区的天窗是串珠式天窗群,并以坡心地下河出口洞段形成的面积为数平方公里的明湖和暗湖串在一起,有7个之多,并列排成北门七星状。目前,有3个天窗有自然通道并可乘船入内,山中有海、海上有门的神秘感由此而生,“三门海”也因此得名。而三门海景区也是目前世界洞穴协会确认为世界上唯一的水游天坑景区。“The Karst landform of Guangxi has created the unique Karst scenery of Sanmenhai county. At present, three skylights of Sanmenhai scenic spot of the World Geopark with natural passageways can be entered by boat. A kind of mystique feeling is born from the scenery that there is a sea in mountains and a door on the sea. Sanmenhai scenery is well-known because of this. It is also recognized by the World Cave Association as the only water tour Tiankeng scenic spot in the world.”。
钟乳石,你见过,但石花石毛,你见过吗?在三门海地质公园中的万寿谷景区,形状多样、晶莹剔透的石花石毛皆为天然形成,大自然的鬼斧神工令世界地质保护专家叹为观止。据悉,其在世界上首次被发现,为此,景区特别设立了石花石毛保护区。“It is said that the stone flower and stone hair of Karst landform were discovered here for the first time in the world. To this end, the stone flower and stone hair protection area was set up especially by the scenic spot.”。
在三门海景区还有一种珍稀植物——谷中长寿草(学名报春苣苔)。它不仅是国家一级保护植物,还被称为植物中的大熊猫,只能在极为洁净、高负氧离子的地方生长,所以极为珍贵。“There is a rare plant in Sanmenhai scenic spot, primulina tabacum hance. It is not only the national protected plant, but also known as the giant panda in plants. It is really precious and valuable because it can only grow in the place with extremely clean and high negative oxygen ion environment.”。
本报记者 叶祯/文 黄倩华/翻译