都知道广西山美水美,那分布在如画山水中的乡村又会有怎样的风景?9月23日,百万网友票选出了“广西十大最美乡村”。网友们可以说是“用脚投票”了,只有去看过,才知道最美的乡村有多美。"On September 23, millions of netizens voted for the Ten Most Beautiful Villages in Guangxi. You only know how beautiful the most beautiful village is when you have been there."。
河池大化瑶族自治县贡川乡清坡村上榜。"Qingpo Village of Dahua County is on the list of the ten most beautiful villages."。这个被誉为贡川“世外桃源”和“鱼米之乡”的村庄,正致力于把自己“打扮”得更美,乡亲们 忙着打造“自然美、产业兴、民风淳、人文美”四项工程。而它所处的大化县,更是自然和物产资源丰富的好地方。"Dahua is a good place with abundant natural and product resources."。
大化瑶族自治县成立于1988年10月,是瑶族文化之乡,瑶族的创世史诗《密罗陀》就诞生于此。全世界仅存铜鼓2400多面,其中有400余 面就在大化。"Dahua, the autonomous county of the Yao nationality, founded in October 1988, is the hometown of the Yao culture. This is where the creation epic of the Yao nationality was come in to the world. There are only 2400 bronze drums left in the world, of which more than 400 are in Dahua County."。大化同时也是中国观赏石之乡,发现于上世纪90年代的大化彩玉石一度成为最热门、最名贵的观赏石。"Dahua is also the hometown of ornamental stones in China. Dahua colored jade discovered in 1990s became the most popular and valuable ornamental stone for a time."。
喀斯特地貌造就了当地独特的风景,其中最著名的是七百弄风景区。景区集罕见的喀斯特地貌与现代大型水电工程景观、民族风情于一体 ,分为七百弄、“八十里画廊”、岩滩和奇滩怪峡、龙着休闲度假区,是自治区级风景名胜区。"Karst landforms create unique local scenery. The most famous one is Qibainong Scenic Area. The rare Karst landform in the scenic area is combined with the modern large-scale hydroelectric project landscape and national customs. They are the scenic spots at the level of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous region."。