桂林山水甲天下,甲篆山水也有“小桂林”之称。百鸟岩位于甲篆乡烈屯西北面的漠斋山下,别名龙虎洞。“Guilin's scenery is the best in the world. The scenery in Jiazhuan Village has the name of 'the second Guilin'. The Birds Cave is located in the northwest of Lie Village, at the foot of the Mozhai Mountain. It is called Dragon-tiger Cave as well.”。因洞内燕子栖集,蝙蝠掠飞,又名百鸟洞。洞的尽头有一巨大岩石,裂痕石缝形成“人、人、寿”三个字。
百鸟洞,洞中有洞,水道繁多,如同水上迷宫,又仿佛是一座装饰华丽、变幻莫测的水下龙宫。“There are many holes and caves in the Birds Cave, too. The cave has a wide range of waterways. It is just like a water maze. At the same time, it is as a gorgeous unpredictable underwater palace of the Dragon King.”。其奇特的景象似桂林芦笛岩,又因非乘舟不能游览,因而被游人称为“水上芦笛岩”。
位于甲篆乡坡月村西侧的百魔洞平均高度为80米,宽70米,主游路程4000多米。“Baimo Cave is located in the west of Poyue Village. The average height of the cave is 80 meters and the width is 70 meters. Its major travelling distance is 4,000 meters.”。其独到之处在于它的钟乳石高大气派。据测量,最高的石笋达39米,直径为10米。“The tall and magnificent stalactites are its special peculiarities. According to the measurement, the tallest stalagmite is 39 meters tall and it is 10 meters in diameter.”。
1987年,中英两国岩溶地质专家进入百魔洞探险考察,历时9天。“In 1987, the Chinese and English karst geology experts went into Baimo Cave to explore and investigate. It lasted nine days.”。百魔洞中有独特性、典型性、稀有性的扁状钙化体堆积,多层溶洞立体分布遗迹,巨型穴珠遗迹和河流连续穿洞遗迹,令中外专家震惊。他们一致认为:百魔洞集天下岩洞之美于一身,可号称“天下第一洞”。“The experts agreed that Baimo Cave contained the beauty of all the caves on the earth. It could be called 'the first cave in the world'.”。
晨起后,到百魔洞呼吸含有2万~7万个负离子的清新空气,吃着用神仙水煮的白粥、米饭,这样的养生养老福地,除了甲篆乡,你还能在其他地方找到吗?“When you get up early in the morning, you can go to Baimo Cave to breathe the fresh air which contains 20 thousand to 70 thousand anions. You can enjoy the porridge and rice which cooked with clean and high-quality water. Jiazhuan Village is a wonderful place for you to keep in good health. In addition, can you find it anywhere else?”。
本报记者 叶祯/文 黄倩华/翻译