这几天,市民关注的热点除了高温,还有高考。“These days, the public focus on the scorching weather as well as the National College Entrance Examination (NCEE).”。7日,广西高考语文科目考试结束,作文题目一公布就让不少《南宁晚报》的读者感到似曾相识。作文要求以“我看高考”或“我的高考”为副标题写文章,这与6日《南宁晚报》见报的四个版的高考40年专题报道内容一致!看了报纸的考生,有没有可能成为状元?
据史料记载,自隋大业二年(606年)首开科举取士,至清光绪三十一年(1905年)科举考试废止,近1300年的时间里,广西共出了赵观文、王世则、陈继昌等10个状元。“According to the historical records, from the year 606 B.C. to 1905, there were ten Zhuang Yuan (the very best or the top scorer) of the Imperial Examination who came from Guangxi province, such as Zhao Guanwen, Wang Shize and Chen Jichang.”。
在广西曾出过科举史上首位残疾人状元王世则,且还开了科举史上皇帝宴请新科状元的先例。“Wang Shize who was from Guangxi was the first disabled Zhuang Yuan of Imperial Examination. At that time, the emperor gave him a banquet. It was a precedent.”。北宋太平兴国八年(983年)春,王世则赴京参加殿试,成绩名列第一。皇帝宋太宗接见状元时大吃一惊,因为这个从广西永福县远道而来的状元竟是个跛子。“When the emperor of Song dynasty met Wang Shize, he was shock because Mr. Wang was a cripple.”。幸好宋太宗最终接纳了这名“跛脚状元”,并破例为新科状元和进士们举办琼林宴。“Fortunately, the emperor accepted him at last.”。科举史上皇帝宴请新科状元的先例,自此而开。
广西临桂的陈继昌是我国科举(Imperial Examination)史上最后一个连中三元的状元。据资料记载,清嘉庆十八年(1813年),陈继昌参加在广西贡院举行的乡试(the county examination)并中了解元;嘉庆二十五年(1820年),陈继昌赴京赶考,一举夺得庚辰科会元;在等待皇帝亲自主持的殿试(the palace examination)时,陈继昌却因水土不服而生病未发挥出最佳水平,但嘉庆皇帝看了他的卷子之后,朱笔一点成了状元。“During the palace examination which was taken charge of by the emperor, Chen Jichang didn't do his best in the exam because he was not acclimatized. When the Emperor Jiaqing had a look at his test paper, he made a tick, and then Mr. Chen became the top of that year.”。
本报记者 叶祯/文 黄倩华/翻译