“桂林山水甲天下”,是多少人从小就记下的一句话;《我想去桂林》,有多少人跟着这首歌来到桂林,认识了漓江、象鼻山和阳朔。这次,桂林市七星景区等55个景区参与优惠活动,飞虎队公园、大圩古镇景区、红军长征湘江战役纪念园、资江灯谷景区等可以免费游览。“Whenmanypeoplewere children, they knew that Guilin had thebest landscape in the world. People came toGuilin and knew Lijiang River, ElephantTrunk Hill and Yangshuo because of thesong I Want To Go To Guilin. This time, 55scenic spots including Seven Star Scenic Spotin Guilin have favourable promotions, andmany of them are free.”。
大圩古镇号称广西古代“四大圩镇”之一。史载,古镇始建于北宋初年,中兴于明清。古老的大圩老街顺着漓江绵延2公里长,不宽的街道上铺着青石板,路两边是保存完好的老房子。“DaxuAncientTownisknown as one of the four major towns in an-cient Guangxi. According to history, it wasbuilt in
the early years
of the Northern SongDynasty and
resurgent in the Ming and QingDynasties. long
Daxu Old Street
2kmalong the Lijiang River. It is paved withbluestone slabs. There are well-preserved oldhousesonbothsidesofthestreet.”。据说,《刘三姐》等多部影视剧曾在此拍摄外景。古镇保留着传统的生活气息,许多制作竹编、草鞋的手工艺人仍在作坊里辛勤劳作。
位于永福县城中心的凤山景区也是免费景区之一。凤山因山中林木亭亭如伞盖,古时称华盖山。“FengshanMountainScenic Spot, located in the center of YongfuCounty, is also one of the free scenic spots.Because the mountains are full of trees, andthey look like umbrella covers, it was calledHuagaiMountaininancienttimes.”。据《永福县志》载:“隋大业中,有凤凰筑巢,百鸟翔集……宋建隆中,凤复为巢,守宦间,迢遣使凿巢下石,得美玉,凿处成池,名玉液池,以凤巢名山。”华盖山由此改称凤巢山,现称凤山。享有“东方神果”之美誉的罗汉果(Momordica Grosvenori, it is called luohan-guoinChinese.),发源于永福县龙江乡。1995年,永福被农业部命名为“中国罗汉果之乡”。“Luohanguohas the reputation ofOriental Divine Fruit, which originated inLongjiang Village, Yongfu County. In 1995,Yongfu County was named the Hometownof Luohanguo of China by the Ministry ofAgriculture.”。来这里游玩结束时,可别忘了带点罗汉果回家,送人或自己煮凉茶、煲汤都用得上。