这几天,广西桂林平乐的瑶族姑娘和柿子、柿饼上了热搜,只因为外交部发言人华春莹在社交媒体上发文点赞:“在华南平乐,瑶乡的姑娘们,穿着传统的服装,快乐地制作着柿饼。”“Inrecentdays,thegirlsofYao ethnic group and persimmons becamethe trending topic because Hua Chunying,the Foreign Ministry Spokesperson,
wrote onsocial Yao ethnic
‘Village girls
ofgroup, dressed in their traditional costumes,are happily making sun-dried persimmons inPingle, South China’.”。
平乐种植月柿由来已久,有400多年历史,柿饼则是当地人从小吃到大的传统土特产。平乐所产柿饼,个大而圆,宛如中秋之月,故有“月柿”之称。“Pinglehasalonghistory of planting moon persimmon formore than 400 years. It is a traditional specialproduct that the locals love to eat from child-hood. The persimmon produced in Pingle isbig and round. It looks like the moon of theMid Autumn Festival, so it is called moonpersimmon.”。近年来,当地财政拨付专项资金扶持发展月柿及柿饼加工产业,如今已经形成了集种植、加工、冷链、线上线下销售和运输于一体的产业链。
平乐印山亭为平乐古景之一,其建设位置非常特别。平乐旧称昭州,在其西面马河的三江汇合处,一座小岛如同三条龙争抢的龙珠,屹立不沉,名为昭山。昭山立于水中方正如印,所以又叫印岛。“YinshanPavilion is one of the ancient scenery of Pin-gle, and its construction location is very spe-cial. Pingle used to be called Zhaozhou. Inthe Mahe River in the west of Pingle, at theconfluence of the three rivers, there is an is-land. The whole picture is like three dragonscompeting for the dragon ball. It stands un-sinkable and is called Zhaoshan Hill. Zha-oshan Hill stands in the water, square and justlike a seal, so it is also called the Yin Island.(YinmeanssealinChinese).”。明正统七年(1442年),当地乡绅在岛上山巅建亭,初名“点翠亭”。到了近代,此处被称为“平乐印山亭”。
平乐县城北面有一岭名叫仙宫岭,岭下有一泉名“感应泉”。其实,所谓“泉”,实则是井,井深3.3米,井口内径0.8米。“Inthe north of Pingle County, there is a placecalled Xian Gong Ling, where there is aspring called Ganying Spring. In fact, thespring is actually a well with a depth of 3.3mandaninnerdiameterof0.8m.”。据说是北宋崇宁年间(1102—1106年),著名诗人、原兵部侍郎邹浩被贬昭州时所建。邹浩在《感应泉铭》中曰:“仙宫岭之下有泉出焉,甘凉莹澈。一邦之井无与比者……日得四五斛,用遂有余,而人不劳,名之日感应泉。……惟泉沛然,莫遏其源,我感我应,其来自天。”
本报记者 叶祯/文 黄倩华/翻译