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北帝山旅游区位于贵港市平南县大鹏镇大瑶山国家级自然保护区南麓,距离县城仅50公里。2240公顷的旅游区,森林覆盖率达95%以上,因此又被当地人称为“小张家界”。“Bei-di Mountain Tourism Area is located in thesouth foot of Dayaoshan National NatureReserve in Pingnan County of Guigang City,only 50 kilometers away from the county.This 2240 hectare tourism area, with morethan 95% forest coverage, is also known asLittle Zhangjiajie by the local people.”。
关于北帝山,有一个传说:在远古时代,鹏山景华河年年山洪暴发,冲毁村庄良田,百姓苦不堪言。北帝巡游至此,发现竟是河妖作怪,一怒之下,将手中的宝剑鞘化作大山,将河妖镇压山下。从此以后,鹏山地区风调雨顺,百姓也过上了好日子。老百姓为了感恩北帝,遂将此山称为北帝山。“ThereisalegendaboutBeidiMoun-tain. In ancient times, mountain torrentsbroke out every year in the Jinghua River ofPengshan Mountain, which destroyed thevillages, fields and made the people miserable.When Beidi(Emperor Zhenwu in Taoism)came here, he found that the flood wascaused by
the river demon.
In a rage,
heturned his
sword scabbard
into a mountainand suppressed the
the river demon downmountain. Since then, the wind and raincome in their time in Pengshan Mountain ar-
ea and the people have had a good life. In or-
der to thank Beidi, people called it BeidiMountain.”。如今,北帝山的十里画廊以“北帝文化”“道教文化”和“客家文化”为脉络,把历史、人文景观串联起来。“Today,
the scenic spot Shi Li Huang Lang in Beidi
Mountain combines the historical and cultur-
al landscape with Beidi culture, Taoist culture
and Hakka culture.”。
此外,平南的地理标志产品石峡龙眼、平南墨底鳖也可以尝尝。当地人说,平南县有108株石硖龙眼母树,是早年留学日本早稻田大学的覃敬清先生在1929年选育的龙眼优质品种。“Localpeoplesaythatthereare 108 Shixia longan seed trees in PingnanCounty, which are high-quality varietiesbred in 1929 by Mr. Qin Jingqing, who stud-iedinWasedaUniversityinJapan.”。目前,当地种植的石硖龙眼都是从108株石硖母树中选育繁殖的。