壮族的传统节日很多,蚂拐节是其中之一。“蚂拐”是壮族人对青蛙的一种称呼,古时壮族的先人们认为青蛙是掌管风雨的,想通过祭祀它来祈求年年风调雨顺。“Therearemany traditional festivals ofthe Zhuang nationality. Maguai Festival(theFrog Festival) is one of them. Maguai meansfrog in the Zhuang language. In ancienttimes, the ancestors believed that the frog wasthe god in charge of wind and rain. They
wanted to pray for favourable weather for thecropseveryyearbyofferingsacrifices.”。而不同的地方又逐渐衍生出不同的叫法,称“蛙婆节”“青蛙节”“葬蛙节”“敬蛙节”等。
关于蚂拐节有很多传说,其中一个故事说:远古时代,红水河一带遭遇大旱,人们祈雨无效。有只小蚂拐(青蛙)变成一个英俊的小后生,并由村寨中的韦姓人家收作养子,取名“龙王宝”,从此红水河畔变得风调雨顺,年年丰收。“Therearemanyversionsoflegends about the Frog Festival. One versiontells that in ancient times, people prayed forrain when there was a severe drought alongthe Hongshui River. At that time, a littlefrog turned into a young man and was adopt-ed by a family surnamed Wei in the village.He was named Long Wang Bao. Since then,the area of the Hongshui River had goodweatherandgoodharvesteveryyear.”。几年后,外族入侵,生灵涂炭。龙王宝应征出战,带人潜入红水河凿穿敌军船底,敌方官兵沉入河中战败。立下大功的龙王宝被封为驸马,却在与公主成婚前,因褪下的“蚂拐皮”被烧毁而随之死去。人们为纪念龙王宝对壮乡的功德,因此定下“蚂拐节”。“Afewyears later, foreigners invaded and many peo-ple lost their lives. Long Wang Bao went outto fight. He led people to dive into theHongshui River and cut through the bottomof the enemy ship. The enemies sank intothe river and were defeated. The young manwho made great achievements became theemperor's son-in-law, but before marryingthe princess, he died because his frog skinwas burned. In order to commemorate hisgood deeds and merits, people held the Frog
蚂拐节从正月初一开始算起,从“找蚂拐”“祭蚂拐”“唱蚂拐”再到“跳蚂拐”“葬蚂拐”,于农历二月初二结束。过蚂拐节不仅是壮族人对稻作丰稔的期盼,更是民族传统农耕文化的集中表现。“TheFrogFestivalstarts from the first day of the first lunar
month and ends on the second day of
second lunar month.
Holding the Frog Festi-
val is not only
the good harvest
Zhuang people,
but also the strongconcentration of the national traditional
farming culture.”。
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