天琴是壮族最有特色的一种古老弹拨乐器,用葫芦做琴鼓,梧桐树做板面,尼龙做弦线,琴头则雕刻有龙和凤。“Tian Qin is the most distinctive ancient plucked instrument of the Zhuang nationality. The main body is made of gourd, the surface is made of the wood of Wutong tree and the strings are made of nylon. The dragon and the phoenix are carved at the top of the instrument.”。演奏时用弹片拨弦,会发出优美动听的琴音。
关于天琴,还有一个动人的传说。相传很久很久以前,在桂南壮族同胞聚居地区有一对相恋的青年。“There is a legend about Tian Qin. It was said that a long time ago, there was a couple of young lovers lived in the Zhuang people inhabited areas of southern Guangxi.”。一天,他们到深山砍柴,来到一个岩洞旁边,听到泉水从洞顶滴下深潭的声音十分美妙,便用葫芦、芦秆和藤丝做成琴,弹出泉水下滴的叮咚之声,格外动听。“One day, they went to the mountains to chop firewood. They came to a cave and heard the beautiful sound of the spring water dropped from the cave top to the deep pool. Then they used gourds, reed poles and rattan threads to make an instrument. This instrument can play the beautiful tinkle sounds of the water drops.”。玉帝闻听此声后,将他们召到天上弹奏,并敕封此琴为“天琴”。“When the Jade Emperor heard the musical sound, he asked them to heaven and played the instrument. Then he named it Tian Qin (the heaven instrument).”。
天琴的演奏形式分为“弹天”“唱天”和“跳天”三种。“弹天”指的是天琴的独奏形式。“The performance forms of Tian Qin are divided into three parts, Tan Tian, Chang Tian and Tiao Tian. Tan Tian refers to the solo form.”。演奏时,可以采取坐奏或立奏两种姿势,还可以边弹边跳。
“唱天”指天琴的合奏形式,也是主要的演奏形式。“Chang Tian refers to the instrumental ensemble form. It is the main form of playing Tian Qin as well.”。“唱天”就是用天琴伴奏,演唱各种山歌或叙事歌的活动,其又可分为“独天”和“对天”两种,一人独唱称为“独天”,两人以上弹琴对唱称为“对天”。
“跳天”指天琴的歌舞伴奏形式。“跳天”为表演者边弹琴边唱歌跳舞的一种综合性艺术表现形式。“Tiao Tian refers to the singing and dancing accompaniment form. It is a comprehensive artistic expression of the performer. He sings and dances as he plays Tian Qin.”。这种形式一般在节日、庆丰收、婚庆等场合进行,人数众多,场面浩大,气氛活跃。“This performance form is generally held on festivals, harvest celebrations and weddings. The scene is huge and great, the atmosphere is lively and a lot of people take part in it.”。
本报记者 叶祯/文 黄倩华/翻译