电建村是侨港镇下辖行政村,位于北海西南一角,最早被称为“电白寮”,后才改名为电建。或许是“邻居”侨港镇太过耀眼,让这个小渔村显得有些不起眼。“Dian-jian Village is an administrative village underthe government of Qiaogang Town. It is lo-cated in the southwest of Beihai City. It wasfirst called Dian Bai Liao and later renamedDianjian Village. Perhaps the neighboringQiaogang Town is too shining, which makesthis small fishing village seem a little bit un-spectacular.”。其实,这里有百年古庙(重建),有隐秘的“抗日碉堡”,有旧礼堂。仅仅1平方公里的电建村,简直是一个宝藏村。“Infact,thereisacenturyoldtemple(re-constructed), a hidden fort of the War of Re-sistance Against Japan and an old auditorium.This village with an area of only one square
kilometer is a precious village.”。
2021年7月份,经过一番改造,不起眼的小渔村变成了“最美文艺渔村”。驱车来到电建村,在港口路入口处,写有“电建村”的门楼上方还雕刻着两只海虾。要知道,有着近300年历史的电建村可是北海的“虾米第一村”,捕捞业、虾米加工业是该村的传统产业。所以,电建村里的屋墙上绘满了各种虾的元素。“DianjianVillagewithahistory of about 300 years is the top one vil-lage of dried shrimps in Beihai City. Fishing
shrimp processing are
the traditional in-
dustries of the village. Therefore, the walls
ofthe houses in the village are painted with var-
ious shrimp elements.”。
既然是文艺渔村,当然不可能只有虾米,村中墙绘内容丰富多彩。转角之处,不经意间,“80后”“90后”都能找到满满的童年回忆。“Therecan'tbeshrimpsonlyinthisart fishing village of course. The wall paint-ings are rich and colorful. People born in the
1980s and 1990s can find their childhood
虽说现在的天气还不能下海泡水,但阻止不了人们去了解渔村的民俗特色,到码头去闻闻大海的味道,跟着渔民出海、捕鱼、晒虾米。“Althoughyoucan'tswimintheseainthe current weather, you can learn about thefolk customs of the fishing village, go to thewharf to smell the sea, and follow the fisher-men to catch fish and make dried shrimps.”。吃着自己捕捞上来的海鲜之前拍照发朋友圈,相信你就是友圈“最靓的仔”。
本报记者 叶祯/文 黄倩华/翻译
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