北海合浦是古代“海上丝绸之路”的重要始发港之一,在2000多年前的汉代,这里是陆上丝绸之路和海上丝绸之路重要的连接点。“Hepu County inBeihai City isone of the important departure ports of theancient Maritime Silk Road. In the Han Dy-nasty more than 2,000 years ago, it was animportant connection between the SilkRoadandtheMaritimeSilkRoad.”。为向世人展示北海悠久历史与海上丝绸之路的文化魅力、遗迹,海上丝路文化遗址公园应运而生。它包括了合浦汉代文化博物馆、四方岭考古公园以及始建于明朝万历年间,距今已有300多年历史的文昌塔。“Inorder to show the world its long history, thecultural attractions and relics of the Maritime
Silk Road, the Maritime Silk Road Cultural
Heritage Park was born at the right moment.It includes Hepu Han Dynasty Cultural Mu-seum, Sifangling Archaeological Park andWenchang Tower,
which was built in thereign period of
Wanli in the
MingDynasty and has a history of more than 300years.”。
海丝首港·合浦始发港景区则是以海上丝绸之路为主题的文化旅游综合体。在这里,可以看到汉代文明、海丝文化、南珠文化、疍家文化等深厚的历史底蕴。“Inthis cultural tourism complex with thetheme of the Maritime Silk Road, you canfeel the profound historical details of the civ-ilization of the Han Dynasty, the culture ofthe Maritime Silk Road, the southern pearland the families living on boats.”。
海派古镇高德形成于明代,迄今约有200年历史,地名取自高尚道德之义,连接北海市与合浦县廉州镇。“GaodeAncientTown was formed in the Ming Dynasty andit has a history of about 200 years. The nameof the town means noble morality. It con-nectsBeihaiCityandLianzhouTown.”。它是一个U字形的小港湾,由5条街组成近代建筑群,留存有不少古遗迹,其中的高德三街保留有大量传统民居、商铺等体现清末民初风貌的建筑和街巷格局,是北海著名的历史文化街区。“ItisasmallU-shapedharbor and a modern architectural complexcomposed of five streets. It has many ancientrelics. Gaode 3rd Street retains a large num-ber of traditional houses, shops and otherbuildings reflecting
the architectural style andstreet late Qing Dynasty and
patterns of theearly Republic of China. It is a famous his-toricalandculturaldistrictinBeihai.”。旧高德小学、三婆庙、苏三老屋、苏文良老屋、布路等,都是北海的重要遗存建筑。
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