北海新闻 合浦新闻
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来源:南宁晚报 2018-09-23 07:17   https://www.yybnet.net/

明天就是一年一度的中秋佳节,过中秋,除了吃柚子、做花灯,还有一样食品少不了,那就是月饼。“Tomorrow is the annual Mid-Autumn Festival. In this festival, we eat pomelos and make lanterns. Besides, moon cakes are absolutely necessary.”。今天,我们一起了解了解九个特色小镇之一的月饼小镇合浦县。“Now, we are going to learn something about Hepu county, the moon cake county, one of the nine special counties.”。


聊完历史,我们来说说月饼小镇的月饼。近几年的中秋,合浦大月饼几乎遍布南宁各城区月饼销售点,而合浦大月饼也成了不少南宁市民和外来游客馈赠亲朋好友的礼品之一。“In recent years, Hepu super moon cakes have been sold almost in all the districts of Nanning city. Meanwhile, Hepu super moon cake has also become a Mid-Autumn Festival gift for friends and relatives.”。

合浦为什么会生产大月饼?其中一个传说就与苏东坡有关。宋元符三年(1100年),被贬谪海南的苏东坡曾在廉州生活了57天,写过《留别廉守》,诗里详细描绘了合浦月饼的形、色、香、味:“小饼如嚼月,中有酥与饴。悬知合浦人,长诵东坡诗。”“Why does Hepu county produce super moon cakes? One of the legends is related to Su Dongpo, the famous writer of the Song dynasty. In 1100, he was relegated and he lived in Lianzhou for 57 days. At that time, he wrote a poem. In the poem, he described the shape, the color, the smell and the flavour of Hepu moon cakes in detail.”。

据民间传说,廉州民众得知苏东坡将要离开的消息后,专门赶制了各式月饼给他路上当干粮,其中就有精心特制、便于携带的大月饼。“According to the folklore, when the local people learned that Su Dongpo was going to leave, they quickly made all kinds of moon cakes for him as the solid food for the journey, including the well-made and easy-to carry super moon cakes.”。

而另一个民间传说认为合浦大月饼脱胎于客家大月饼,体现了古代合浦人守望相助、团结协作的优良传统。原来,客家人从宋年间便迁移到合浦,在尚未开发的山区聚居,生活十分艰苦。“Originally, the Hakkas migrated to Hepu county during the Song and the Yuan dynasties. They settled down in the undeveloped mountain areas and the life was very hard.”。为了在中秋佳节制作出祭祀祖先的月饼,客家人想出了“百家料”的办法,把从各家凑来的原料集中一起制成大月饼,中秋之夜集中祭祀祖先后,再按比例分回各家各户享用。“In order to make the moon cakes for sacrificing the ancestors in the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Hakkas came up with a good idea. They gathered all the ingredients together from different families and made a super moon cake. On the evening of the Mid-Autumn Festival, after sacrificing their ancestors, they divided the super moon cake back to every family in portion.”。


本报记者 叶祯/文黄倩华/翻译





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