今天,我们要一起了解西林县城东约50公里的那劳乡那劳村内的岑氏家族建筑群,从这个古老的家族建筑群里一共走出三位总督:岑毓英、岑毓宝、岑春煊。“Today, let's take a look at the Buildings of the Cen Family which are located in Nalao village about 50 kilometers east of Xilin county. There are three governors in this ancient family. They are Cen Yuying, Cen Yubao and Cen Chunxuan.”。1994年,岑氏家族建筑群被定为广西区级文物保护单位,2013年5月被公布为第七批全国重点文物保护单位。“In 1994, the buildings of the Cen Family were designated as the cultural relic protection units in Guangxi. In May 2013, they were declared as the seventh batch of the national key cultural relic protection units.”。
依山而建的岑氏家族建筑群,在村落、组群布局、建筑形式等方面保留壮民族特色,广泛吸收先进的汉族建筑文化,成为壮、汉民族文化交流与融合的结晶。“The buildings were built on the mountain. The villages, layout and the building form contained the characteristics of the Zhuang nationality and also absorbed the advanced architectural culture of the Han nationality. They became the crystallization of the culture exchange and integration between the Zhuang and Han nationalities.”。
岑氏家族建筑群最先只是一座土司府第,由明朝上林(今西林)长官司土司岑密始建于明正统十三年(公元1448年),占地面积仅210平方米。后经岑密第十代后裔清云贵总督岑毓英和清著名封疆大吏岑春煊父子不断维修、扩建,最终形成总占地面积达40000平方米的岑氏家族建筑群。“Later, Cen Mi's descendants, the governor Cen Yuying, the general Cen Chunxuan and his son, repaired and expanded the house constantly. Finally, the 4000 square meters buildings of the Cen Family were founded.”。
光绪二年,岑毓英始建南阳书院,为那劳岑氏家族专设的学堂。光绪三十年(1904年),岑春煊托其四叔岑毓琦对书院进行扩建。“"In 1876, Cen Yuying began to build Nanyang Academy. That's the special school for the Cen family in Nalao Village. Cen Chunxuan asked his uncle Cen Yuqi to expand the academy in 1904.”。因岑氏宗堂为“南阳堂”故称“南阳书院”。 书院分前后厅、左右厢房,大门上方悬挂“南阳书院”木匾。院内原有孔子牌位和上写岑毓英撰《岑氏祖训》等牌,目的是对家族子弟严加管教。“There are Confucius memorial tablet and the Cen family motto tablet in the academy. The aim is to keep the strict discipline on family members.”。
本报记者 叶祯/文 黄倩华/翻译