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来源:南宁晚报 2018-05-27 04:11   https://www.yybnet.net/

说到田阳,不少人的印象仍留在每年夏天畅销各地的芒果。“Speaking of Tianyang county, many people have the impression that Tianyang mango is popular everywhere in summer.”。日前,自治区创建特色旅游名县工作领导小组办公室发布通知,百色市田阳县等8个县为广西特色旅游名县创建县。今天,我们通过四个特色之旅来认识这个新鲜出炉的旅游名县。“Today, we are going to learn about this fresh famous tourism county by means of four distinctive tours.”。

田阳位于广西西部,右江河谷中游,古属百越地。“Tianyang county is located in the western part of Guangxi and in the middle reaches of Youjiang River. It belongs to Baiyue ethnic group area in ancient times.”。秦属象郡,汉至东晋属增食、增翊两县,唐朝开元元年(713年)始置田州。

英雄之旅(Hero's Tour)。在倭寇入侵我国东南沿海的危急关头,明代抗倭女杰瓦氏夫人不顾58岁的高龄,亲率6000狼兵驰骋千里战胜倭寇,还被明嘉靖皇帝封为二品夫人。据悉,当年,瓦氏夫人为了培养狼兵的团结合作精神,命人根据壮族的木屐式样制成长木鞋,3人或6人一组共穿一双长木鞋练习赛跑。如今,这项运动已成为壮族体育比赛的项目之一。“It is said that in order to train the unity and team spirit of wolf soldiers, Madame Washi ordered 3 or 6 soldiers a team to wear a pair of long wooden shoes to race. The wooden shoes are made on the basis of the style of the Zhuang people's wooden shoes. Now this sport has become one of the events of the Zhuang sports competition.”。

人文之旅(Humanity tour)。敢壮山位于田阳县百育镇六联村那贯屯,是当地唯一的一座石山。“Ganzhuang Mountain is located in Naguan village of Tianyang county. It is the only stone mountain in that area.”。该座石山地貌奇特,底部是土坡、腰部是风化石、顶部是石山,山上有许多与壮族始祖布洛陀有关的遗址、景观。每年农历三月初七至初九,周边群众自发聚集敢壮山,以唱山歌、舞狮、抛绣球等丰富多彩的文体活动纪念布洛陀。“Every year from the 7th day to the 9th day of the third month of Chinese lunar calendar, people in the nearby area gather in Ganzhuang Mountain spontaneously. They commemorate Buluotuo by variety entertainments, such as singing folk songs, lion dance and throwing embroidered ball activity.”。据史志记载,田阳敢壮山歌圩形成于隋唐之前。原来,1000多年前,广西人就已经会“嘿撩撩啰”了。

自然之旅(Nature Tour)。田阳县有百东河水库、坡洪感云洞等自然景观。关于感云洞,还有一个凄美的爱情故事。相传,古时龙女下凡和当地一名叫感云的书生结为夫妻。感云赴京赶考时,龙王才得知女儿下凡私奔,大怒之后令天兵天将用山镇住龙女。感云中状元归来不见龙女,便满山遍野地寻找,后因悲伤至极死于洞中,感云洞因而得名,而镇龙女之山称望夫山。一山一洞,各有一汩泉流出,汇合成古眉河,传说这是龙女和感云泪水流成的河。

文化之旅(Culture Tour)。说到Rap很多人都懂,但是,壮语的Rap你听过吗?在田阳,除了大家熟悉的山歌,还有粤剧、彩调、壮剧、唐皇等民间艺术。唐皇是用本地壮语演唱的一种说唱形式,唱词以七言为主,押腰脚韵。“Many people know rap, but have you ever heard the rap of Zhuang language? Tang Huang is a rap style of local Zhuang language. The lyrics are mainly seven words and rhymes are required.”。其形成于宋朝年间,主要咏唱唐朝宫廷内讧史实及唐明皇,后发展成为群众喜闻乐见的说唱形式。“This rap style was formed in the Song dynasty. It is mainly about the historical internal conflicts in the imperial palace of the Tang dynasty and Li Longji, the Emperor Tang Minghuang. Then it developed into a popular rap style.”。

本报记者 叶祯/文 黄倩华/翻译


有爱陪伴 快乐成长 □苏小妹



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