春节的脚步越来越近,年味也越来越浓。说到过年,免不了要说说年俗。不同的民族和地区,都有各具特色的过年习俗。本期就介绍广西隆林各族自治县苗族同胞丰富多彩又热闹的年俗。“Differentnationalities and regions have their ownunique Spring Festival customs. Today, let'sintroduce the colorful and lively Spring Festi-val customs of the Miao people in LonglinAutonomous County, Guangxi.”。
每年正月初二到正月十四,是隆林苗族同胞的“跳坡节”。“Everyyear,fromthesecond day of the first lunar month to thefourteenth day, it is the Tiaopo Festival oftheMiaopeopleinLonglinCounty.”。在这近半个月的时间里,当地苗族同胞约定俗成聚集在跳坡场举行活动,喊坡、赶坡、闹坡、射坡、跳月亮,好不热闹。
“跳坡”寓意踏着山野的春花春草,绕着山坡玩乐,享受人与自然的美,体现人与自然的和谐关系,苗语称“勾到”。“Tiaopomeans playing around the hillside with thespring flowers and grass, enjoying the beautyof human and nature, and showing the har-monious relationship between human andnature. It is called Goudao in Miao lan-guage.”。跳坡节,亦称“斗更”,意指“围着坡竿转”。据说,跳坡节是由古代苗族人民聚会、议事活动演变而来,坡场中的“坡父”“坡母”即是指族中首领。爬坡竿比赛则是古代族人选拔勇士的活动。“ItissaidthatTiaopoFestival was developed from the gatheringand the official
business discussion activitiesof
the Miao people in ancient
times. Po Fuand Po Mu refer to
the leaders of the family.Pole climbing competition
is an activity
forancient Miao people to select the brave.”。
每年的隆林跳坡节,都能吸引五湖四海的游客前来参加。跳坡节上最靓丽的风景,是苗族姑娘们的衣裳和银饰。随着时代变迁,跳坡节也成了当地男女青年的“情人节”。在坡场上,不少年轻男女积极竞技,互对情歌,以此结为知己或定下终身之约。“ThemostbeautifulsceneryonTiaopoFestival is the costume and silver ornamentsof the Miao girls. With the changes of thetimes, Tiaopo Festival has become the Valen-tine's Day of local young people. On thefield, young men and women compete ac-tively and sing love songs to each other, so asto become soul mates or make an engage-ment.”。
跳坡节期间,场中会立起一根9余米高的“坡竿”,竿顶吊着一块腊肉和一壶葫芦苞谷酒。小伙子们进行爬竿竞赛,他们敏捷地爬到顶端,取下酒和腊肉后再倒爬下来。“DuringtheTiaopoFestival,apolemorethan 10 meters high will be erected in thefield, with a piece of bacon and a pot of cornwine hanging on the top of the pole. Youngmen have a pole climbing competition. Theyquickly climb to the top, take down the wineand bacon, and then climb down back-wards.”。速度最快的优胜者可以喝竿顶上的酒,将腊肉和其他奖品收入囊中,更可获得姑娘的爱慕。